If a major storm such as a hurricane rushes through your town, you'll likely be glad to see your house standing once it has passed. But once you spend a moment being thankful, it is important to look over your home for any signs of structural damage caused by the storm. One part that you should inspect is the roof trusses, which are the beams that hold up and support your roof. Strong winds can cause damage to the roof trusses, compromising the integrity of your entire roof.
Luckily, you can usually see the roof trusses from inside your attic, so you don't have to climb on the roof or a ladder to inspect this structure. Here are the key signs of damage that you're looking for.
If the storm brought a big tree branch or another object down onto your roof, it may have caused the trusses to crack under its weight. Don't assume nothing landed on your roof just because there is nothing on your roof right now. Items often blow away again after landing on the roof. Instead, inspect each roof truss for signs of cracks. Sometimes they form vertically down the board, but they are usually horizontal across the board. If you do see any cracks, contact a builder or contractor, even if the truss is still in place. It won't take much to dislodge the cracked truss, which could cause your roof to sag and become compromised.
Mold and Mildew
Sometimes during a storm, roofs develop minor leaks from wind-driven rain that gets under the shingles. The water may not have made its way all of the way to the attic floor, but it may have trickled down and moistened some of the trusses. So, look over the trusses for any mold or rot. If you do see mold, you will want to wipe them down with bleach.
If you find that the rot is deeper and actually extends into the wood, then call a builder or contractor. Once rot starts, it is hard to stop, so you want to have those trusses replaced sooner rather than later.
After any major storm, it is important to give your root trusses a once-over. Overlooking damage to the trusses could leave you dealing with bigger issues, such as extensive mold or a warped roof, later on. Being proactive allows you to fix problems when they are small.
Reach out to a company such as Campbell Truss Company Inc to learn more.